It can be said with certitude that heyday of Kashmir is nowhere to see. The precarious state of Kashmir is inkling toward hornets’ nest. Tumultuous days of today are reminiscent of Cold War-era shambolism when all modus operandi, either hawkish or dovish, were failed to assuage antithetical stakeholders. The wheel of history is turned back. Kashmir is India’s Achilles Heel and if not dealt with, it could agonize India’s geopolitics. BJP’s denunciation of Congress can not be called barking up the wrong tree, but to cry over the spilt milk is not the solution either.

A Stone Pelting Mob
Dismal turnout in the recent election is the result of fretfulness among the people of Valley. There has been such a deluge in the incident of Stone Pelting since the killing of Hizbul Commander Burhan Vani that every endeavor to surmount this horrendous violence has come to naught. The egregious nature of violence can be perceptible from the enmeshment of children in stone pelting and it has an extremely disquieting implication. There is rampant exuberance among the bewildered youth to join militancy. Moreover, the tenuous link between Union and State government is aggravating the pandemonium, showing dereliction of their duties. Their gratuitously confab rendezvous begins and ends on a tempestuous note. From the pellet gun to using the human shield, from biryani diplomacy to surgical strike; it has long deviled Delhi relationship with Kashmir.

No doubt that foreign decoy has a fundamental contagion effect on Kashmir. Unrepentant Pakistan is doing its best which can be called a state-funded charade. Since Cold War, all of their sinister attempt to gain over Kashmir were end up in the debacle. So, timorous Pakistan started financing militancy and insurgency in the Valley. Islamabad has downplayed every initiative of New Delhi to expedite the process of negotiation. Their eulogization of militant outfits is tantamount to schadenfreude. While doing all these balderdash acts, Pakistan has forgotten that it couldn’t also go unscathed.

Meeting between CM of J&K and PM of India 

We have not seen any best thing since sliced bread to expedite the peace process. During NDA 1 rule, when asked by a reporter if the solution to Kashmir would be under the framework of Constitution or not, Vajpayee said that the solution will be in Insaniyat ke dyare me (framework of humanity). But the successive regimes did next to nothing except rhetoric tirade. Government over government has dithered over it. Intransigent on following political peace talks only after a ceasefire, the government is impeding the peace process. Political dialogue must, not postdate, but precede ceasefire to salvage the state. And as envisaged by Vajpayee the unraveling of Valley should be under the framework of humanity and hence Army must follow standard operating procedure and international covenant of counter-insurgency. We should not forget that Violence begets Violence. Halcyon days (: Ache Din in Layman’s term) has not been arrived for the Valley till now.
