After a long hiatus of 42 years since avouchment of Israel, India officially developed a bona fide diplomatic relation with Israel in 1992. It was imbricated with the disintegration of USSR and was in tandem with economic liberalization of Indian  Economy. During Cold War Era, India had bottled up their ties with Israel due to geopolitical constraints and the strictures imposed upon domestic level leadership. But,  after the demise of the Cold war, India prevailed upon to contrive new trajectory. In a Bipolar world, although in the Vanguard of the policy of Non-alignment, India was slightly tilted towards Soviet which was conspicuous in its military and diplomatic ties.  Events in the aftermath of USSR disintegration had thrown open a plethora of opportunity for India to diversify its foreign policy. Liberalization policies espoused in the drawback of the economic crisis of 1990-1991 were a shot in the arm for India to solicit new economic consociation in the west. Individual leadership had had gargantuan repercussions on India's Israel policy. If Nehru had qualm on building a rapport with Israel due to his personal bonhomie with Arab leaders such as Egyptian President Nasser then the era of PVN Rao and of AB Vajpayee displayed valiant candor in the development of the liaison with Israel. During the 1990s, Military and economic ties between India and Israel were developing unabated at a rampant rate. India became the largest importer of Israel's arms and military equipment with bilateral trade crossing billions of dollars. Besides Military engagement, we also partook in the covenant of expertise in agricultural activities, science & technology, water conservation, academic exchange etc. Cultural and People to people contacts were also burgeoned and today there is a very large expatriate community of PIO in Israel. This is the kernel of Indo-Israel rapprochement.
Pt. JLN with Israeli diplomat Michael Michael
As Colonies of British Empire, Both have a shared-history of imperialist dominance. After getting freedom from their colonial master, both confronted the same predicament in the form of cross border terrorism, insurgency, and a hostile neighborhood. India recognized  Israel in 1950. Despite this, India was reluctant to develop robust ties with Israel during its nascent stage into an independent nation. Horrendous partition of the country had had a contagion effect on the different section of society, especially the fervent Muslim population. Hence to assuage these sections, Indian leadership considered that the time was not ripe to engage with Israel who itself was languishing in controversies with Palestine. At the same time, to offbeat Pakistan influence at Islamic Cooperation Organisation and contemplating Arab's support on Kashmir Issue, India did not want to disquiet its Arab allies who were at loggerheads with Israel. After the end of World War II, Israel, due to its financial and military dependence on the USA, formerly joined the Western bloc. On the other side, to develop military and diplomatic capabilities, India was slightly tilted towards Soviet bloc. Besides Pakistan, the menace of China made India's allegiance to Russia a prerequisite for developing defense capabilities. It segregated India and US which further dissuaded India from approaching Israel. Though India was an apostle of Palestine cause and always refrained itself from succoring Israel, Israel used to give its countenance to Indian position on Kashmir.

Cessation of Cold war expunged all these hesitations of history for India to foster propinquity with Israel. The disintegration of USSR developed fissures in India-Russia military ties. India had to deal with a military industry that was dispersed in 15 countries. Israel, in quest of new markets with its burgeoning military industries, was a protagonist in providing new military technology to rejuvenate Russia's obsolete one. The USA emerged as a single largest power in new world order. India, at a nascent stage of its economic reforms, contemplated having a good relation with America to be an exigency for financial aid. Investment from America was a desideratum. In this context, comradeship with Israel was also a way for India to engage America.
Not feeling constrained with Congress's long standing ideological stand, reformist agenda of PM PVN Rao paved the way for engagement with Israel in the economic arena. Despite political animadversion, PVN Rao and then foreign secretary J.N. Dixit showed pliability and valiancy in transforming India's Israel policy.

Israel President Ezer Weizman and Indian President Shankar Dayal Sharma, 1996
Emboldened with Irrelevance of Non-Alignment Movement in post cold war era and lack of reciprocity from the Arab States, India seemed to seek greater engagement with Israel. Moreover, in the aftermath of Kuwait Crisis and signing of Oslo Accord, Arab leaders also started developing their ties with Israel. Hence, we no longer needed to appease the Arab States for their reciprocity on Kashmir Issue.

It was during Vajpayee tenure after 1998 that the engagement, emanated from 1990-1991 strategic and domestic events, was culminated in a glasnost. With a Nationalist Hindu party at the center and shared views on terrorism, India sought to collaborate with Israel in learning counter insurgency tactics and border control doctrine. Israel is known for its erudition for border operation especially in Golan heights and Negev deserts.  A real revolution began with the visits of India's Deputy PM L.K. Advani and FM Jaswant Singh to Israel in 2000 and of Israeli PM Ariel Sharon to India in September 2003. During these visit, Israel extended strong logistic support to India and both authorities encouraged intelligence sharing.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon shakes hands with Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, 2003

Abounds with Military and economic ties, India and Israel were able to form robust ties in field of agriculture, food security, water conservation, science and technology, academic programme etc. Both nations were no longer complacent with their animosity. The secret engagement during cold war era has turned into a chorus, congealing into a clear message that it is time to set a new world order, which was carried forward by PM Man Mohan Singh with a cumulative effect on our foreign policy goals.

To be Continued .....
Next part to this blog - From 2004 to recent Historic Visit of Mr. NDM to Israel, in a first by an Indian PM since independence.


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