I too had a Love Story. ..

I have never been on a blind date. I have never fallen head over heels in love with anyone but I had hots for somebody.
One day, completely out of the blue, I saw her.
That day, I was already downcast as usual. I had been suffering from dysphoria. The day was already filled with melancholy.

There was a ceremonial function and she came in a scrumptious attire. Her enticing habiliment put me in a mesmeric reverie. She was really a damsel of great pulchritude.

When she entered the shindig, I became spellbound by her jaunty walk. Her exotic hairs were patulous, scattered like a dense night, always coming in front of her face, caressing on lips and cheeks in front of her eyes. I was examining her delightsome beauty with a fine-tooth comb.

During the Jamboree, she passed by me on various moments. Sometimes I encountered her in a jiffy. Whenever our eye used to come into contact, I used to go into turmoil. I stood in perplexity. I was beleaguered with my intuition.

On tenterhooks, I was exploring all avenue to go close to her. In an unruffled and tranquil ambiance, I was fraught with conflagration. I was witnessing unbridled vehemence in me. Finalmente, my assiduity towards the party had pulverized and I tumbled in trance.

The whole vicinity came to a standstill and I was like snooping in my own reveries. Due to her charming beauty, there was a hiatus in my rapport with the milieu.
I was mulling over the bull sessions, envisaging if and when there would be a parlance between us. I was coercing myself, with bells on, to go to her. But I was floundering to make a valiant venture.

There was gargantuan proclivity between us to come closer to each other but I was so bewildered that I think my boorish expression and behavior was refraining her. I was too egocentric that I wanted her to be the first to be out of the gate.

Time was passing. Night had arrived and recalling the string of my doomed attempt in approaching her, frenzied and precarious, I went to bed. The night was the most vexatious of all the past incommodious nights of my life put together.

Next Day, I woke up seeking solace. The whole night, her dreams were holding me hostage. But that dreams were a chimera. Despite the truce, the morning was out of the ordinary and had a peculiar poignancy for me.

Suddenly, I saw her departing the palace. The sight made my flesh crawl and I came back to my room crestfallen. It impinged on me that an inferno erupted in my heart. Though visibly unscathed, I was in a vegetative state. The whole day I languished in throes.

I think I did not want to jump headlong into a relationship and hence I let the grass grow under my feet and missed the boat. Despite reluctance, I decided to forget all these tempestuous adventurism as a fatalistic encounter. But it tantalizes me whenever I think about that ordeal.

During all these fatalistic encounters, I wanted to wish her something which I had on the brain. But that "wish" is defunct now and its renascence is a desideratum and hence my next blog - IInd part to this - "A Quiescent Wish: Another Chimera" will be out very soon. Stay tuned. 😀😀


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