If technique is of no interest to a writer, I doubt that the writer is an artist.
 -Marianne Moore (American Poet)

To me, writing is not a habit. Neither it is a profession. Then what? Whether it is something that I luxuriate? Or is it an inscrutable infatuation?
No, it could not be the infatuation, for sure. It is too abstruse a quagmire. Isn't it?

The only thing that I can say with certitude is that the writing is something that intrigues me. To be very eloquent, I even don't give a damn about my besottedness with the writing. Let it be what it is, for the sake of the veneration of the very things that beguile us- in my case, the writing.

I mean, don't you belittle the sanctity of an activity if you ponder the raison d'être for your romance with the activity?
You do, I guess. I call it the "Attenuation of the Romance."

Let us not befuddle and revert to the fictive question. If it is neither a habit nor a profession, then what the hell is it?

Well, I would like to call it "modus vivendi". Hence, for me, writing is nothing but a way of living- a lifestyle. Even it is more about the lingo than the writing. And it is more about the lexicon than the lingo. Further, it is more about the gobbledygook than the lexicon itself.

A sentence is an amalgamation of the different set of words which mean something. So, what does it take for any writing to be majestic, lucid, and to be entitled to receive adulation?
It is pertinent to quote the author of "The Jungle Book" collection of stories- Mr. Rudyard Kipling. I quote-
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.

Words- the basic building blocks of the communication- are, hence, the kernel of any writing. It would be kosher to say that when one writes, one should pay the importance of colossal amount to the words one employs so as to enunciate the purport decorously. And it is alleged that I betray this principle- by gratuitously obfuscating the already intricate blogs.

The only feedback, if at all I receive the one, is about the vocabulary I use. I have no qualms in acquiescing that I doubt if there exist a 'base of readers' of my blogs at all. It is no skeleton in the cupboard that my blogs always open to tepid approbation. But I have never cringed. I don't bemoan as it is anonymously said that
The size of your audience doesn't matter, keep up the good work.
Notwithstanding this gospel truth, I relish whenever I spot a reader of my blog, but he grumbles about the employment of the highly technical word in the blogs. And why not? After all, they have the pretext to be irked, for what is the behoof of burying oneself in something replete with obsolete or archaic words?
According to them, using jargons in the blog is a quintessential example of something being inutile.

Hold on. You got it wrong. It is rather improbable. There are behoofs indeed, for what is the behoof of reading something replete with stale words that you are already familiar with?

Though I don't construe the homilies as if they are preposterous, to mull over something, and at the same time taking cognizance of the pristine words, should be reckoned as a virile pursuit. Even though you could clamour that there are no tangible benefits, where in fact there are,
 learning will never exhaust the mind
-said Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.

What one needs to do is to slog through, come hell or high water. You may ask "Why". I have heretofore elucidated why. Though it is well tacit, you may still ask that "how". You have smartphone well in hand nowadays. Don't you? And smartphone would be a profound blunder without a dictionary in it.
It wouldn't be extraneous to quote Vincent Thomas Lombardi, the late American footballer. I quote-
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary
Hence, when you badger me to jettison the scheme of employing obscure vocabulary, it might not be I who is intransigent but, perhaps, it is you who lack an endeavour. I apologize, but I am not going to hide my light under the bushel.

Beside, it has something to do with my personal credo that my writings abound with recondite vocabulary. Well, again, I betray one more sine qua non of communication fundamentals. I would try to give an anodyne delineation as far as possible.

Primordially, it is the pious purpose of a writer to disseminate the tenets of his writing to the people in the language they discern.., to write something so as to gain the goodwill of the prospective readers. I am floundering to come to terms with this.

I may be accused of thumbing my nose at the readers when I give countenance to the ostensible fact that "the courtesy, with which the expectation of the readers should be treated, is smidgen in my writings."

The rationale behind this cavalier attitude might be that the writing is too intimate an affair for me- I don't even bother for the plaudits but writing. Hence, adopting the mundane writing, as most of the readers demand, would come at the cost of surceasing the writing altogether.

I concede that this could be my Achilles heel and could be an impediment in my voyage to be an acclaimed writer but I don't afraid of throwing caution to the wind as long as I have the tenacity to romance with the lingo, although you may always chastise me to be a heretic.
Creativity is an act of defiance
 , goes the adage.
