I am still brooding.
The chimera that was hovering over my fatalistic encounter with her is still with me. I had never thought that the illusions were here to stay with me for such a protracted time. I was pursuing a will-o'-the-wisp.

In one of my previous blog - "A FATALISTIC ENCOUNTER: A CHIMERA" - I talked about a mirage- a defunct wish.

This blog is the sequel to "A FATALISTIC ENCOUNTER: A CHIMERA". I mentioned in that blog that during all those fatalistic encounters, I wanted to wish her something which I had on the brain. Read the full blog here- http://pbt-pov.blogspot.in/2017/09/a-fatalistic-encounter-chimera_75.html

I think I lacked the gumption which led the wish to go kaput. But I also said that its renascence is a desideratum. Through this blog, I am harking back to a febrile epoch.
Reverting to the wish, which had once been quiescent for a copious amount of time, is but a catharsis.

It can be said with certitude that when I was penning this I was fraught with fervent delight. I could indite tomes about the surreptitious ascendancy she has on my naive mind. A surfeit of epitaph about her has already been engraved on my heart. There is an entrenched imbroglio in my bloodstream which perpetually beseeches to flood in her name.

While jotting down the wish, I was confined in a gorge of lethal jeopardy and was apprehended by the vagaries of my intitutions, with no saviour in sight. After being divested of my élan vital, I found myself trapped in a perfect blend of somberness, utopia and agony.

The perennial memories of the fatalistic encounters with her during the jamboree had culminated into a malady. Sometimes, I used to ponder about defying the social mores to assuage her or tried to go inebriated, at other times. Though I succeeded in neither.

Those were the sleepless nights culminated in the cumulative infliction of woes. Going to bed those days was like enrolling yourself in the mire of ephialtes. I was languishing in those dusky nights which had no dawn. By jotting down "the wish" I tried to put the genie back in the bottle.

You.... your voice, so mellifluous.... so it can turn any place into an odeum, is tantamount to "a piece of music that is played pianissimo."
You... a beauty of great pulchritude, become cynosure of my eyes.... you.... congealed in my mind as a chiaroscuro.

I am no pluviophile... but ... I would be the petrichor, were you the drizzle.

You, a lagnaippe... you, a sweven.... finding you is a quintessential example of trouvaille.

My face is no aspectabund... how would I tell you my feeling of depaysement?

In the woods....after the rain ... whenever comes the komorebi, I feel waldeinsamkeit

This love, although urequited, is an apotheosis of limerence... as I see it...

At times it exhorts me to.... I mean... sometime I am overwhelmed with basorexia- an euneirophrenia .... isn't it ??

Oh! What? Sorry.. It should have been a Tacenda... I guess...

how could have I stopped myself when you possess deunde....

A suffering never let me sleep at nights ....a suffering called iktsuarpok

Whenever I "unsuccessfully" try to go to sleep... , so I feel like walking .... walking on mangata

I wish my lyric lexemes would come to you like frolic hordes of crooner and would fill your day with elation.
I wish the lexemes would fill your day with jollity like a shining which we clock in "Bioluminescence Tides".
If you feel dismayed, I wish the lexemes would empower you to buy the adage that every cloud has a silver lining.
And If you have a chip on your shoulder, I wish the lexemes would exhort you to up your game because it is no use to cry over spilt milk.
This life is anfractuous. Through the lexemes, I wish you to be sanguine.
Halcyon days are waiting for you.
Be ecstatic, memorize blissful mementos, and I wish you would never forlorn.
